Commercial Construction Trends in 2020

Author: James Adkins

Commercial Construction Trends in 2020

Mar 10, 2020 | Commercial Construction

With the start of a new year and the beginning of a new decade, businesses around the country, and even the world, will be considering ways in which they can commercially revamp their offices or corporate locations. Here are some of the top commercial construction trends that will make their way into the business industry during 2020:

High Ceilings

High, vaulted ceilings have recently become a popular trend among commercial and residential construction plans. Business offices are starting to move away from cramped, confined quarters that fit as many people as possible. New designs emphasize aesthetic pleasure, decreasing potential claustrophobia, and giving the illusion that the office is more spacious than it is in reality. These factors will not only contribute to employee comfort but offers a clean, stylish, and spacious impression to potential clients and customers.

Natural Lighting

Natural lighting is another trend that exists to eliminate claustrophobia and increase visitor comfort. Construction trends include walls or panels entirely made of windows, allowing vast amounts of natural lighting to illuminate the office or business space. Natural light creates a spacious effect, enables your employees to soak in some Vitamin D without moving from their desks, and can lead to improved mood and less irritability. Natural lighting may also help lower the cost of electrical bills, particularly during the brightest parts of the day, with the most sun exposure.

Environmentally Friendly Alternatives

According to, construction companies are tending to incorporate environmentally sustainable and eco-friendly materials, methods, and designs into their projects. In an effort to reduce carbon emissions and participate in the recycling program, contractors may begin using recyclable materials, such as cigarette butts, in the making of their bricks. Esub also discusses how self-repairing technology is projected to increase in use, such as self-healing asphalt. Additionally, companies may opt to have rooftop gardens and greeneries or may design their construction plan so that plants may grow along exterior walls.

Rising Costs also cautions, however, that the cost of construction is projected to rise. The construction industry is facing a potential labor shortage, possibly due to low pay grades or unfavorable working conditions. Until these and similar corporate problems are resolved, businesses looking to build, remodel, or renovate their offices should plan on additional expenses and higher-than-average costs for construction projects.


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James Adkins

22 years in commercial, industrial, and residential construction roles solving a broad array of building, construction and real time application challenges.

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