Signs Your Office May Need a Facelift

Author: James Adkins

Signs Your Office May Need a Facelift

Your office is the center of your business, the apex of your company’s data, and the point-of-origin for the rest of your company’s affairs. To best represent you, your product or service, and your company’s standards, your office needs to be orderly for employees, aesthetically pleasing for your clients, and organized to fit your business’s needs. Simple measures can be taken to improve the quality of your building, giving it an interior or exterior facelift.

Not sure if your office needs a facelift or remodel? Here are some cues that your office needs a little TLC.


Your building’s exterior may require servicing or renovation if any of the following conditions are present:

  • Chipping paint
  • Chipped wood/stone
  • Cracked/dirty windows
  • Faulty/malfunctioning locks
  • Leakage/water stains on the building or sidewalk
  • Waterlogged/flooded parking lot or sidewalk
  • Leaning beams
  • Cracked sidewalk
  • Rust
  • No ramp for wheelchair use
  • Inconvenient parking lot/building entrance

As you notice and address these and other potential issues with your office’s exterior, you will increase your business’s curb appeal, protect your business from theft or damage, and increase ease of access to your building for clients and customers.


Interior issues are as, if not more, common than exterior issues. Consider servicing, repairing, or renovating your office’s interior if the following conditions exist:

  • Chipped tile/floor
  • Faded or stained carpet
  • Faulty/malfunctioning locks
  • Broken bathroom stall locks
  • Broken bathroom sinks or toilets
  • Lack of storage space
  • Lack of workspace for employees
  • Broken elevators
  • Workspace cannot house/makes it difficult to operate modern technology
  • Workspace cannot comfortably accommodate clients/customers
  • Mildew/mold stains on ceilings, walls, or floors
  • Poor air quality
  • Outdated furniture/technology

As you take note of and attend to these or other potential issues, your business will have a more professional interior. Your employees will be comfortable using their workspace and will have the necessary room and utilities to complete their tasks. Clients will be impressed by the modernity and organization, and you, your workers, and your clients/customers will feel safer in a clean, well-cared-for environment.

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James Adkins

22 years in commercial, industrial, and residential construction roles solving a broad array of building, construction and real time application challenges.

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