How Aging in Place Services Can Give You Peace of Mind

  • James Adkins

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    June 3, 2020

Aging in place is becoming the new idealistic trend for seniors across America. Rather than being institutionalized in a care facility or retirement home, increasing numbers of the elderly are choosing to age, peacefully, within the familiar walls of their own homes. While the comfortable and familiar environment of the home offers an ideal location for seniors to live, such circumstances can pose as stressors to the adult children of these individuals. Concerned for the welfare and physical safety of their parents, many adult children suffer from anxiety and extreme concern over their parents during such a vulnerable time.

There are, however, services designed to provide basic aid and assistance to the elderly should they prefer to age in place. Such services include Meals on Wheels and similar institutions, designed to deliver meals to the unable elderly. Additional opportunities include cleaning services, home hospice care, landscape or yardwork assistance, etc. But what are the benefits of these services, and how can they bring greter peace of mind to the elderly’s children and close family members?

Aging in place services accomplish tasks that the elderly would otherwise be unable to complete.

Services for the elderly are almost invariably staffed by young, able-bodied men and women who are trained to complete specialized tasks such as cleaning, cooking, yardwork, hospice care, etc. These services are designed to help maintain personal comfort, appearance, hygiene, and home environment during the final stages of life. Without outside assistance, many elderly persons would be unable to adequately take care of themselves or their homes. Added help from such services maintains order in the home and aging process, providing for and meeting basic human needs.

Services for the elderly increase comfort and ease during the closing stages of one’s life.

Most elderly persons prefer to age in place in comparison to alternative care forms because of two factors: familiarity and comfort. Care centers and retirement facilities operate more similarly to foreign hotels than homes and deprive the individual of familiar and memory-triggering surroundings, sometimes adding to the individual’s confusion and emotional decline. Conversely, being in a familiar environment fosters feelings of ease, comfort, and personalization. Additionally, comfort is usually best achieved in a familiar environment that contains one’s personal belongings; this is less likely to be achieved in a retirement community or care center. By hiring services for the elderly, senior citizens are more likely to achieve maximum comfort and enjoy familiar surroundings during their final years of life. This actualization and attainment of peace and comfort will provide additional comfort to the elderly person’s children and family members.

Because service personnel will frequent their clients’ homes, the elderly will be regularly checked-on and monitored.

Personnel providing services to the elderly will frequently be in contact with their client and will personally interact with them on an almost daily basis. For those worried about the physical welfare of their aging parents, the knowledge that other, trustworthy individuals will frequently make visits will assure them of their parent’s well-being. Individuals can correspond with service personnel via email, phone call, or text to ensure the welfare o the elderly and discuss potential risks or emergencies should they arise.

In all, aging in place services provide peace of mind to loved ones and family members because the elderly individual will have their needs and wants satisfied, will be well-cared for, will be in familiar, comfortable surroundings, and will regularly be checked-on by other, responsible individuals and caregivers. To learn more about aging in place, visit our main website at


James Adkins

22 years in commercial, industrial, and residential construction roles solving a broad array of building, construction and real time application challenges.